Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Movie Update, Progress and More

Okay so Dawn- will get her pic soon of the garage, but I have to make it to Best Buy to buy a camera rechargeable battery. Hopefully tomorrow. Also, I will include our little recycle spot. Its a start. Our only snag in this process is the cans...I bought a can crusher, but it has a million pieces- well maybe only 10, but to me its alot of pieces. Shawn would put it together, but he thinks we should wait for our house since it requires mounting to a stud. In the meantime he told me to put shoes on and smash them the normal way!!! yikes...maybe a hammer will work.

Went to see Wall E. It is super cute. You have to look past the lack of "talking", but the message is good. My only issue is that it did not show how the world got to be full of trash and ways we could have prevented it. But, it is a Disney movie and not a documentary-- :). Go see it and share with the little ones.

TU TU BUNS WENT TO THE POOL!!!!! YES HE DID and I STAYED WITH HIM 1 1/2 even with a adult swim break. I am celebrating everyone. Dawn, you totally understand this one. I went right away and bought all my ingredients for Cowgirl Coolers! It is celebration tonight--well I need an occasion right? Back to the pool-- I bought a special vest from Target that my sister recommended. Tu tu buns is small on the bottom, so a one piece with floaties was riding up and not letting him see. This one was a vest with a adjustable strap. It was great!!! He did swallow and puke on me, but we will work on the closing mouth thing. It was actually enjoyable.

For the first time ever he was scared of the water...he would not go down the little slide. He said no and wanted to get down with my help. I am so happy. Mostly tu tu buns has no fear. Its a little scary, but today I saw he was genuinely afraid of sliding down into the water. He even said, "tu tu good boy"! So, tomorrow we will go again to the pool.


RedLegMeg said...

Yay!!! I wish I were there to experience it with you and to celebrate, too!

paulawy said...

I wish I was too! We took our girls to Wall-E last week. We liked it, but the girls weren't too entertained. Maybe when they're a little older! I liked its message about human (or robot) connection too, and consumer culture. Very interesting! Miss you guys!