Monday, July 21, 2008

Autism and Savage Nation, ESPY Awards

Well, I will have to tell you. My mother called today and told me about what was happening with Michael Savage. Basically, he thinks that 99% of Autism cases are kids that are brats. So I read and read news stories. Look here and here, too.

Really? Are you kidding me? Hmmm, lets see if he is willing to spend one day with them and then tell me its brattiness. I mean its what I remind myself when Tu tu buns is difficult. I can handle that he has a mystery diagnosis and it could be worse.

It reminds me of a mom who was at a playground with her son wandering around the playground wearing earphones playing mozart. I really did not know a lot about Autism. I was there when Tu-tu buns was a baby and I still did not know what was going on with him. It was during the time they had thought he had Cystic Fibrosis and we were waiting. Its vivid to me because I was amazed at how her demeanor was. She knew she would go and do whatever it took to help her child. Even if it meant wearing earphones that played music to get her child comfortable while being in public.

She watched as her three year old wandered -- not played-- at this playground. I know he had Autism because my friend knew her and she explained that this was the second time out with the headphones. This was her only way to take him out.

Brattiness... no. Pure survival. That is what these parents have to do. They are to be commended. I don't think many parents wish their child had Autism or any disorder. But, to call them brats. I think he is the brat- Pure and simple. Forgive him for being so ignorant. Honestly, I feel sorry for someone who thinks like this. I wonder what Glenn Beck will have to say. Hmmm...

On another note... Ladies, I love Justin Timberlake and I love that he was the host of the ESPY awards. Talk about a way to get spouses to watch ESPN together. PERFECT. I do like sports, but I know more women would watch and learn with Justin Timberlake songs included. So much fun and worth watching. It has been repeating so take some time out and watch it. I think that ESPN should keep Justin for next year. I loved that my Husker DVRd it for me to watch.

1 comment:

RedLegMeg said...

Funny you mention Glenn Beck! When we were driving home this past Monday night, we were listening to Larry King Live (on XM) and Glenn was actually guest-hosting for him AND spoke with this Savage guy about this very topic. It was an interesting chat and he was able to try and explain his comments to a fuller extent. Still don't agree with him, but in it's full context, understood what he was trying to say a little better by the end of the interview. Just a little better, though.