Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Signs that the times are Changing

When we were younger my sisters and I made signs to post on our bedroom door. Signs like knock before entering. So, walking by her bedroom door I see the fillowing sign that Pj decided to post .

Pj translation- Please knock. No guns or Weapons. Wow is all I can say.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Autism and Savage Nation, ESPY Awards

Well, I will have to tell you. My mother called today and told me about what was happening with Michael Savage. Basically, he thinks that 99% of Autism cases are kids that are brats. So I read and read news stories. Look here and here, too.

Really? Are you kidding me? Hmmm, lets see if he is willing to spend one day with them and then tell me its brattiness. I mean its what I remind myself when Tu tu buns is difficult. I can handle that he has a mystery diagnosis and it could be worse.

It reminds me of a mom who was at a playground with her son wandering around the playground wearing earphones playing mozart. I really did not know a lot about Autism. I was there when Tu-tu buns was a baby and I still did not know what was going on with him. It was during the time they had thought he had Cystic Fibrosis and we were waiting. Its vivid to me because I was amazed at how her demeanor was. She knew she would go and do whatever it took to help her child. Even if it meant wearing earphones that played music to get her child comfortable while being in public.

She watched as her three year old wandered -- not played-- at this playground. I know he had Autism because my friend knew her and she explained that this was the second time out with the headphones. This was her only way to take him out.

Brattiness... no. Pure survival. That is what these parents have to do. They are to be commended. I don't think many parents wish their child had Autism or any disorder. But, to call them brats. I think he is the brat- Pure and simple. Forgive him for being so ignorant. Honestly, I feel sorry for someone who thinks like this. I wonder what Glenn Beck will have to say. Hmmm...

On another note... Ladies, I love Justin Timberlake and I love that he was the host of the ESPY awards. Talk about a way to get spouses to watch ESPN together. PERFECT. I do like sports, but I know more women would watch and learn with Justin Timberlake songs included. So much fun and worth watching. It has been repeating so take some time out and watch it. I think that ESPN should keep Justin for next year. I loved that my Husker DVRd it for me to watch.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Save some Green on Groceries

Its been a week, but I will get better at blogging more often.

First off - can I tell you how crazy the grocery prices are. In our house cookies-are tu-tu buns term for his favorite snack that my Husker has dubbed "poop pellets". Really they are granola bites. These are a very hot commodity with all, but mainly tu -tu buns. They used to be $1.89 and then $2.07 and now they are $2.47!!!! This has taken place in all of two months.

So, now because this is about green and money is green I have to share my new secret weapon. COUPONS! I know its not a secret weapon, but its something that is hard to take the time to do. When you have ADHD like me your coupons are nothing you need and nothing you normally buy. It turns into a waste of money because its not your normal food or things you need.

Here is what I ended up doing early in the AM while Hi-5 was on. I decided to make a list of all of the name brands I always get and then I spent an hour online going to each manufacturer looking for coupons or offers. Then, I registered and printed. If I there were none I googled the name with coupon to see if I could find any. The last thing I did was fill out all of the ones that they would send you later in the mail. The end result... I saved $18.00 on products that I normally buy - Not products I do not need.

My favorites - Click here and register seventh generation. Then check this saving blog out for hard to find items that you love. I will put more as I find them. Its a start and a way to save with the rising prices that are going as fast as gas or possibly faster.

Finally, still working on getting through the summer without going insane. We are more then half way there and now its time to get school supplies again. I have gotten some from Wally world, but really not many Green items. Our new Target opens in A WEEK!!! I will be one that has to go the opening day. It will be an outing for the kiddos and I. They have some school supplies that are green so I will finish the remainder then.

PS- My helper aka PJ reminded me in the frozen aisle that we forgot our bags. This was after she had to run and get an employee to clean the exploding soda can that I dropped. Luckily it was me, right? But, we parked our cart and went to the car to grab our bags.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Comic Relief

Okay, my dad got this one for me. It seems every time I come home I do this with the back seat. The helper is none other then my pj who loves to pass what ever she is bored helping with on. Thanks Dad... so like Husker

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Movie Update, Progress and More

Okay so Dawn- will get her pic soon of the garage, but I have to make it to Best Buy to buy a camera rechargeable battery. Hopefully tomorrow. Also, I will include our little recycle spot. Its a start. Our only snag in this process is the cans...I bought a can crusher, but it has a million pieces- well maybe only 10, but to me its alot of pieces. Shawn would put it together, but he thinks we should wait for our house since it requires mounting to a stud. In the meantime he told me to put shoes on and smash them the normal way!!! yikes...maybe a hammer will work.

Went to see Wall E. It is super cute. You have to look past the lack of "talking", but the message is good. My only issue is that it did not show how the world got to be full of trash and ways we could have prevented it. But, it is a Disney movie and not a documentary-- :). Go see it and share with the little ones.

TU TU BUNS WENT TO THE POOL!!!!! YES HE DID and I STAYED WITH HIM 1 1/2 even with a adult swim break. I am celebrating everyone. Dawn, you totally understand this one. I went right away and bought all my ingredients for Cowgirl Coolers! It is celebration tonight--well I need an occasion right? Back to the pool-- I bought a special vest from Target that my sister recommended. Tu tu buns is small on the bottom, so a one piece with floaties was riding up and not letting him see. This one was a vest with a adjustable strap. It was great!!! He did swallow and puke on me, but we will work on the closing mouth thing. It was actually enjoyable.

For the first time ever he was scared of the water...he would not go down the little slide. He said no and wanted to get down with my help. I am so happy. Mostly tu tu buns has no fear. Its a little scary, but today I saw he was genuinely afraid of sliding down into the water. He even said, "tu tu good boy"! So, tomorrow we will go again to the pool.