Tuesday, August 26, 2008

You Tube to the rescue

There are those days that everything gets off without any effort. But, when I am in a pinch I have a secret weapon that can distract Ty Ty or any of the kids. ..... YOU TUBE.

I found this a year ago. I head to You Tube and I type in what they are interested in. Ty Ty's is trains. Everything trains...model, real, thomas, etc.. Then I look for the longest one and he will sit and I see how fast I can empty the dishwasher, cook, get dressed,etc. His Favorite is one called Train Movie. Its a German song and then it is brio trains rolling around to the tune. Its pretty funny that he likes this one called Yuma Yuma or this is another odd choice.

Test it out with the kids. I think its pretty safe as long as you monitor them. I have these two favorites for Ty Ty, but I have found lots of stuff for all of my crazies!!

1 comment:

Kate said...

I'll have to try this on our computer to see if it gets my son interested! Never thought of the idea so a huge THANKS!