Pj translation- Please knock. No guns or Weapons. Wow is all I can say.
This blog is all about life and all things wild at my house.
Here is what I ended up doing early in the AM while Hi-5 was on. I decided to make a list of all of the name brands I always get and then I spent an hour online going to each manufacturer looking for coupons or offers. Then, I registered and printed. If I there were none I googled the name with coupon to see if I could find any. The last thing I did was fill out all of the ones that they would send you later in the mail. The end result... I saved $18.00 on products that I normally buy - Not products I do not need.
Finally, still working on getting through the summer without going insane. We are more then half way there and now its time to get school supplies again. I have gotten some from Wally world, but really not many Green items. Our new Target opens in A WEEK!!! I will be one that has to go the opening day. It will be an outing for the kiddos and I. They have some school supplies that are green so I will finish the remainder then.
PS- My helper aka PJ reminded me in the frozen aisle that we forgot our bags. This was after she had to run and get an employee to clean the exploding soda can that I dropped. Luckily it was me, right? But, we parked our cart and went to the car to grab our bags.